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The Lenten journey appears to be a linear forty-day march from Ash Wednesday to its culmination in Easter's joy. But our heart doesn't always follow our head. Our lives rarely follow a straight path, sometimes led by events but often by our wandering hearts. Even Lent often starts with a commitment to giving something up that often, like a New Year's resolution, is short-lived.

As blustery winter arrives to Ivanhoe Congregational Church, join Northern Illinois' WARMEST congregation for our 186th February of events sharing camaraderie, companionship, and God's love.

November brings many great opportunities to be involved with sharing and caring for each other and our surrounding community. This is just a small sampling of what we are involved in each month.

Ivanhoe Congregational Church brings you many ways become involved and enjoy the camaraderie of your church family. From Adult Education to Trunk or Treat, fun and companionship exists for everybody in the whole family.